Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tapestry diary for 2011 underway now

This year, as I'd mentioned before, I'm going to have a separate tapestry diary for each month.  I very much like the continuous ones done in 2009 and 2010 but I want to be able to take the weaving along with me when I travel.   By setting up a frame loom with around 36" of weaving length (using a continuous warping method) I'll be able to weave about 1" high each day.  I'm still using from the left-over wefts but decided to start with naturals, whites, grays and black for this year since I've used very little of those in the past two tapestries.

I'm beginning with soumak as my study in the diary for the year.  Don't know how often I'll concentrate on technique rather than recording date as in the earlier woven diaries.  But since I've used very little soumak in the past I thought I'd give it a try.  As chance would have it, there was an article in the latest Vav magazine about an ancient weaving in which a type of soumak was used for stylized figures.  I'd started the weaving by a few days when I finally had time to take a look at my issue of the magazine and--there was "snare weave" being described, later noted as soumak in the article!

So... couple of photos of the January 2011 progress:


  1. It will be interesting watching this diary of the year develop.

  2. That's very cool, and I like that you can take it with you.

  3. Your calendars started me thinking (again) of how different people view a calendar year. Rather interesting that January would be on the bottom. I see the year as counterclockwise circle. Wonder how you could weave that. But no doubt you could!!!

    I love last years calendar, the tiny squares are so interesting to study...
