My new year's tapestry diary has begun and, as mentioned before, this year I'll be doing separate months at a time rather than one long weaving, as for 2009 and 2010. The plan to do the months as separate weavings will allow me to keep pace with the days better; I can take the loom along with me when I travel.
Now... after having said all that... I've got the February warp ready on a loom at home! I'll be out of town for a day here and there in February so will have to contend with a few missed weaving days. However, I want to use up the end of the warp from a previous tapestry woven on the Tissart loom.
For January I studied soumak. Each day is separated with a red-orange band and within about an inch done daily, a different method for soumak was used. For technique, I referred to these sources: Kathe Todd-Hooker's Tapestry 101 and Line in Tapestry; Jean Wilson's Soumak Workbook; and Peter Collingwood's Techniques of Rug Weaving.
The Collingwood book is so rich that I'm going to continue to explore more about the methods he describes as February begins.
This month's piece measures 3.5" wide x 29.5" long. The sett is 8 epi of 12/12 cotton seine twine. The weft was from my scrap box--mostly Vevgarn (wool/spelsau blend) was used. It was woven on a Mirrix loom using a continuous warp to extend the length.
A few details of areas I particulary enjoyed are these:

Yes, I know... pretty sketchy but that's exactly what the intent was... quick sketches/sampling of method. I made notes along the way and can refer back to the section in which the technique was used as a reminder.