Thursday, February 5, 2009

Grumpy today--no, that was yesterday!

Even then, at a quite young age, I preferred to get my way. But that doesn't always happen, does it?

I got my kind rejection letter yesterday about the ATA exhibit in San Jose.

Oh well... the tapestry of my life moves on (gag!)

I felt better soon, just spent a few minutes in a hissy fit after opening the envelope.

Today's a new day, bright and sunny--still cold but not so cold as yesterday. Everything improves with time, doesn't it?


  1. I'm sorry about the rejection. No matter what, rejection does hurt. Being grumpy helps!

  2. I am feeling rejected too, but in reality, I didn't expect to get my piece in. I think in a way, when you have been at it a while, it hurts more than when you first start out and don't expect much. I am sorry, I will be interested to see what got accepted and shown. I look at your blog expectantly at least once a week, and I am always amazed at what you accomplish.

  3. Rejection never feels good, but you're right...time helps. Love the picture!

  4. Thanks to all for the thoughts about the rejection. I am truly over it. Just the hissy fit, as I mentioned, to help the disappointment have a vent.

    I've gotten lots of rejections in the past thirty years of entering juried shows. And I've also had work accepted many times. So I try to encourage students with whom I work to enter shows... expect the best but be prepared to move on if and when a rejection comes.

    After all, juries for shows are subjective. I know each juror makes the best decisions she/he can and yet on another day, the eye might see the work a bit differently--and the box "accept" checked.

    Most likely I'll continue to enter juried exhibits, especially ones I respect--like ATA sponsored ones.

    And I hope y'all will, too!
