Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day nine? At Lillian Smith Center. Already?

And what a day it's been!  I walked first thing... spotted this amazing spiderweb along the way, filled with beads of moisture from the earlier rain:

Here's a closer zoom:

When I got back to the cottage and was having coffee before breakfast, Bill, who manages the grounds, came by to say that the men who were to install insulation in the studio were coming today.  Believe me, I know that when someone's coming to do some work, one should be ready for them!!  Down I went to the studio right away to get my stuff out of the way.  Since I'd used up the last of my canvas with yesterday's painting and pretty much finished what I was going to do there, I was ready to leave.  Here's some of the final photos in Robert's studio today as I vacated the place ... thanks again, Robert Fichter, for letting me use your studio for a week of intense work!  I really, really enjoyed it!

Taking down the plastic I'd put up to cover the wall and part of the floor where I very messily painted:

 Wrapping up my paints in plastic bags for the car:

Tossed out my leaf inspirations.  Be free, leaves!  Go become leaf litter!

This afternoon I've worked on finishing details of a tapestry I bought with me for that purpose.  I'm using overhand knots and stitching back the warp tails to the back of the tapestry, a method used by other weavers, including my friend, Pat Williams, on larger sett tapestries.

I trimmed these warp groups off after all were stitched down.

Here's how the edge looks at the front:

A nice finishing detail for acknowledging the warp, I think. Thanks, Pat, for this method of completion!

I'm drawing tonight, taking a finishing ends break.  Here's a hickory nut so far this evening:

More work to do with it but at least a start.

My daily reading has been this book that my husband loaned me (that his surgeon recommend for him):

We listened to an interview with Henry Marsh recently on Fresh Air... a remarkable person to hear speak about his experiences with brain surgery!  The book is quite good and when Thomas mentioned that we'd heard the interview to his doctor, he said, "I've read his book!  You should, too!" 

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely edge. I like that idea, of acknowledging the warp. Such tidy knots!
