A sunset from October will be the stand-in as it's gray and damp here today and I don't expect to see the sun going down this afternoon at 5:29.
Instead, I'll fondly recall this sunset I saw while sitting on the porch of Peeler Cottage at the Lillian Smith Center earlier in the year. Two of my favorite times of the day when I'm there are sunrise and sunset.
2018 has been a tough one in many ways and I'm hoping that 2019 may hold better, happier, and healthier times for one and all. But... those days are yet to come.
My energy level for weaving came back full steam after Thanksgiving and I've been able to finish a couple of tapestries that have been languishing since March of this year. Here they are, just off the looms:
This one was cut off on Monday. It's 52" long x 31" wide and is based on a painting I did when at the Lillian Smith Center a few years ago. The colors are natural dyes, mainly madder and Osage orange, as well as indigo and some black walnut and henna. I've now woven four pieces based on the paintings I did during that two week stay.
The photo was taken as the tapestry lay on the floor in the studio so you can see the cut warp ends at top and bottom. I have a lot of finishing work to do on it before having it photographed for "real." I entered it as a piece in process to Artfields and learned this week it's been accepted! I'm grateful that I was able to submit to the exhibit with images of it in process and statement of intent.
Here's the cutting off underway, photographed by my husband:
And here's the empty loom waiting patiently for the next warp:
The other tapestry that I cut off this week is the one I had on a smaller loom as a demo during the exhibit at the Hudgens Center earlier this summer. Here it is as it was still on the loom on Wednesday:
And here it is, turned 90˚ to the way it was woven. I've cropped the cut warp ends off the sides so that they weren't so distracting. It's 20" high x 18" wide, also natural dyes used for the weft.
And the empty loom--also ready for the next warp:
Yes, hard to see the loom with all the yarn bins on the shelves behind it!
And I'll end with a photo of the state of the 2018 tapestry diary today. I've finally started the stone for December. I have a few days left in the year to weave the image, the days as they come, and then the year's date. I think I can do it! Oh... also have to make the warp for next year's tapestry diary and have it ready to tie on to the old on January 1.
Here's to a good New Year to come as the sun returns!
Happy Solstice to you, too. The sun on Friday in my part of Scotland at 56N set at 3.44pm, and it takes time before it's obvious that the days are starting to draw out. By mid January, it's a whole different and brighter world. I'm glad for you that you are recovering well and feeling stronger. I have admired your tapestry work since I first discovered it and this blog. I hope your New Year, when it comes, is full of health and contentment.
And happy New Year to come to you, as well! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the blog. I hope I’ll be able to post more frequently in 2019–maybe it won’t be such a challenging year!