Here's the big one today. I've just started the second feather and did some sampling to find a suitable color... I think these blends are working out OK... although it's sort of hard to tell in the photos. The details are a bit too bright and the overall is a bit too dark.
I'm liking the soumak lines throughout the background--thanks again for the suggestion, Kathe!
Here's where the smaller one is today. I haven't worked on it since last week:
For afternoon break I had a lovely assortment of brand new publications to flip through... three of them came yesterday, in fact! The other one arrived a couple of weeks ago:
On top is Tapestry Weavers, newsletter of the British Tapestry Group. Below is VAV Scandinavian Weaving Magazine (English edition). Next is Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, publication of Handweavers Guild of America, and last but not least is The Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers that's produced quarterly by the Journal Committee of
the Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, UK.
I have an article in this issue of Tapestry Weavers, in fact. It's about my tapestry diary process and is titled "Threads of Time--One Day at a Time" (although there's a typo in the printed title in the magazine... says "Threads if Time..."-- guess that works, too?!) I was very happy to have been asked to submit an article and I've been wanting to have something in publication about my tapestry diary practice for quite awhile. Of course, I write about the tapestry diary in my blog and occasionally post about progress on Facebook. But having a statement about it in a print medium makes it seem more real, in some way. In the article I mentioned several others who are also doing tapestry diary work, with links to their blogs.
About the tapestry diary. As 2012 draws to a close so will my fourth year with this daily tapestry weaving practice. I still find it challenging and so I'll be making the warp soon to begin the fifth year on January 1, 2013. In that way I'll be preparing once more for commitment, discipline, persistence, patience, tedium, anxiety... all those qualities and more are wrapped up in this daily tapestry weaving habit that will be done, bit by bit, one day at a time.
NOW... about hints for weekend plans for anybody near Athens, Georgia, USA! The Indie South Fair is taking place on December 8, 11 a.m.-6 p.m., 670 W. Broad Street, Athens. My niece, Megan Smith, will be in booth 10 with her work... stop by and check out her creations. Here are a couple of the one-of-a-kind stuffed critters she does using mostly repurposed/recycled fabrics. Recently, I gave her some of my handwoven bits and pieces, and some of the critters at the fair will be from those. The ones in the photos here are other odds and ends she's found in her stash or at thrift stores:
This one's torso is from a partially stitched embroidery she found at a thrift store.
Sweater adapted here, complete with eyelashes and bows.
I think she may also have some of her drawings and gouache paintings at her booth. Her two dimensional work is quite different than the whimsical stuffed creations. Her drawings and paintings are realistic, figurative works, almost all asymmetrical in composition and unusual in viewpoint. One drawing, for instance, is adapted from a photo of a friend of hers, taken of the friend lying on an airstrip in India, with mountains in the background. The figure is in extreme foreshortened view, angled diagonally across the page, and dominating the composition. Megan is working hard to be successful as an artist in the fickle world of making things and finding a market for them. I admire both her creativity and her spunk! And I buy from her when I can... for instance, these two critters are mine!!
Tommye- The background soumack is looking great. The soumack in the background looks wonderful! The beginning pick and pick from the edge into the blues is a really lovely transition.
ReplyDeleteLove bad puns. Made my day in an otherwise bleak day!
Congratulations on the tapestry diary article Tommye. I don't suppose there is any way to see it anywhere? I looked at joining the British group (which perhaps I should do)... Also, I love the feathers. :)
ReplyDeleteHey Kathe,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment about the soumack. I do indeed like it a lot! Hope the "bleak day" turned brighter!!
Thanks for the congrats. I can send you a copy. I enjoy the BTG and the publication, especially. Thanks for the mention of the feathers. They are indeed a challenge!
I am so glad to find your blog! The feathers look amazing and I LOVE the blue you are using.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the list of magazine links. I am looking forward to getting a few subscriptions.
Your niece makes wonderful stuffies. Does she also sell online?
Hi JQ!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments. I enjoy your work shown at Weavo very much!
About the critters--right now she doesn't sell online but she's hoping to soon. I'll post info about that whenever she's up and running with either an etsy site or a webpage.
Happy weaving to you!
Hello Tommye!
ReplyDeleteIt's been a long time! So glad to have happened upon your blog! I love the daily calendar idea. Not going to copy it, but found it very inspiring. And I needed to be inspired I've been a weaving slug these last few months, but hope to get back to the loom soon.
Happy New Year and Cheers,
Karin Schaller