When I weave a design sideways, I like to occasionally see it in the direction it will hang--hard to do by sitting with my head turned to the side but easy to do with the digital camera and the rotate feature in Photoshop Elements. Here's the view I have now--a few beginning inches are already rolled around the beam so those can't be seen. Thought I'd try taking a look at it in grayscale, too, since one of the things I'm attempting to do with the design is give a sense of dense entanglement of the kudzu vine and leaves. I think it's working OK so far with the values. The dark areas are actually of several hues, close in value to each other. I like to use that effect--similar values but different hues. I know it makes the pieces problematic to photograph in black and white and even color--but when seeing the actual pieces the richness and depth of the color differences within the same value range enhance the tapestry, I believe.
I believe it's working also - I think then it will give agreat deal to "hunt" for when seeing the piece in person. It will require time to reflect and the those who choose to will be reqarded.