Here's where I've stopped for the day. I'll roll a few inches up onto the cloth beam tomorrow morning before I start again so thought I'd photograph it now.
Since I'm weaving this sideways, here's a shot of what the intended viewing direction will be:
I know, I know... the vines are more tannish -- but I like the contrast of the grays with the greens. The whole design is quite simplified and stylized so I think these grays will work fine with the whole composition once done. At least that's what I'm hoping for!
I like greens and greys together also. I do like to throw in gold sometimes too. I think what you've done is beautiful! I wonder though - do the vines turn more grey in the winter - and maybe you've caught an accurate portrayal of the spring???
ReplyDeleteIt's really striking and beautiful. I'm so fascinated by the process, very interesting. Thank you for posting as you go along.