Sometime back I mentioned that I listen to music frequently as I weave. I have lots of old favorites but always enjoy finding something new. Last night my husband and I "discovered" Danny Schmidt who was performing in the round with Jonathan Byrd and Doug and Telisha Williams at The Crimson Moon here in town. So today I wove several inches while listening to new music--a couple of Danny Schmidt's CDs and an older one of Byrd's that I didn't have.
I've now rolled the tie-on ends around the bottom beam and out of the way. I've had the ties bundled up with rubber bands to keep them from being under foot when I'm using the treadles. Now, I'll leave the warp in place for quite a few inches before I advance it again. I can change the height of seat to keep my weaving level about the same. This is one of the things about this loom I like--that I can see a large area of the tapestry at one time.
Tommye.......glad to see you back at the loom. I love how this piece is progressing. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog.