Over the past few days I've spent some time to put together a website using the iWeb available through my Mac account. The link to that is: http://web.me.com/tmscanlin -- I found the process to be very easy through iWeb. I used one of the simplest templates for the layout and for most of the pages of the website I cut/pasted from posters I'd made for my demo booth at the Southern Highland Craft Guild fair this past July. Those small posters gave simple, short definitions for tapestry weaving, designed to be seen and read quickly. I added a page of tapestry resources near the end to give those interested in learning more links to a few things I've found to be helpful.
A friend asked me a really good question when I mentioned I was putting it together-- what was my intent for the website since I already have a webpage though the Southern Highland Craft Guild website (http://southernhighlandguild.org/tapestry) and I have this blog. Her question caused me to really think about why I'm doing this. I realize that my main purpose with the new website is to share about tapestry with those who are unfamiliar with the medium, either as consumers, viewers, or potential tapestry weavers. Of course, I'd like for my work to be featured, but I also want to give information helpful for learning about tapestry from the beginning--as viewer or maker.
As I do this, I fully acknowledge that my way of setting up for, beginning and weaving a tapestry is only one of many ways, all which may be equally successful to the end result. And hope to also be clear that I've learned from so many others about the process I use... nothing is mine completely.
I first sent the link to about four friends. After making some changes based on their comments, I then posted the URL to the tapestry list. That gave me additional helpful feedback from several people. Other suggestions are welcomed! Send them on and I'll see how the web page can be improved.
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