I finished the 31st day of weaving while I was in Winston-Salem. The Piedmont Craftsman exhibit opening was held Friday night there and I drove up for the opening. It's a five and a half hour drive from home, hard push on I-85 for most of the way. But I had a great book on tape to listen to on the way and traffic wasn't too terrible.
The hotel clerks looked a bit nonplussed when I wheeled a cart by loaded with the loom and my bags as I passed through the lobby on my way to the elevator. Oh well, they've seen stranger things, I'm sure.
I haven't cut off the tapestry yet because I still need to secure the top with half-hitches. I'd like to also weave an indication of May 2008 in some way--just haven't decided how to do that yet. Pick and pick came in quite handy as the days added up through the month! In fact, the 30th was indicated with two bands of pick and pick, 15 light blues done twice on a darker blue field.
This recording of time passing through making a daily indication of the date has been a great learning experience. I've had quite a lot of fun with different assortments of simple shapes, color contrasts, repetition of colors used during the week as sort of a "summary" on the seventh days as I ended each week of the process. I've had quite a lot of ideas about future woven journals...haven't begun one today for June, however! But, who makes these rules, anyway?!
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