I'll post some photos soon of my adventures since January 3 when trees began to be cut around our property. My studio is adjacent to it and the thoughts of sounds of chain saws and chippers for days on end were enough to "make the air nervous" around me (if anyone ever used to watch the TV series, Northern Exposure, you'll maybe remember the reference). ANYWAY, I was able to arrange a last minute residency at Hambidge Center and away I went.
I temporarily interrupted my Hambidge time when I came home again, meeting up with my husband so we could travel to Nashville to see the exhibit, Stranger in Paradise, work of the Reverend Howard Finster. Several of the pieces included in the exhibit are part of my husband's collection of Finster's work so he wants to see each venue the show travels to... so far, it's been in Champaign, IL (where it began at Krannert Gallery), then to Chicago; Auburn, AL; Jacksonville, FL; just closed in Nashville, TN. It will travel to two other locations before ending its two year run ... Akron, OH and then Savannah, GA. There's a catalog available of the show with essays by several people. Here's the link to one article about the show: http://www.illinoistimes.com/Springfield/article-7094-stranger-in-paradise.html
Thomas and I returned to Dahlonega on January 9th, then I drove back to Hambidge on the 10th to spend several focused days in the work I was doing there. I had several deadlines to complete during these first two weeks of the new year and having the residency made it possible for me to pretty much accomplish what I needed to... a few loose ends to tie up and I'll be moving ahead.
And, one part of moving ahead means a class I'll be teaching at John C. Campbell Folk School beginning on Sunday, the 22nd! Home long enough to do laundry, have a visit or two with some friends, see art exhibits at the university, repack the car and go again.
SO... tomorrow--maybe--the promised photos. Got a lot to show!